Katy Reel

Dear Friends: This website (a blog for Katy) has been set up so that you can receive updates regarding Katy’s situation. You can go to the blog for updates and then you can leave your encouragements, your prayers and affirmations for Katy, her family and friends to see. Thanks for praying. God bless you for loving Katy this way. - Kit Danley

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Location: Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Dear Ones,

Just a short note to assure you about Katy. She took the Temodar (chemo in the form of pills) Wednesday , Thursday, Friday and Saturday without incident. No rashes. No swelling. No itching. Evidently Motexafin was the culprit. We do not know what the treatment plan will be for September; she has a MRI scheduled along with an exam by the NeuroOncologist right after Labor Day.

Since she didn't have to go the clinic for infusions Katy flew to San Diego on Friday to join Heather, Dallas, Kit, Wayne and many other friends for a weekend on the beach! Don't worry- there were 3 nurses in the group. Her fatigue seems to have lessened. Thank you, Lord for refreshing sunshine, ocean breezes and sandy beaches.

Patty and Rick

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Green No More

Dear Ones,

So much has happened recently that you should know. On July 18 Katy had her last treatment of the first round of chemo without incident, turning a pretty pale yellow. Then 4 days later she broke out with an itchy rash covering most of her body- an allergic reaction confirmed by the ER doctor, probably due to the anticonvulsant medication. So....now she's on anticonvulsant #4. We're thankful there seems to be many to choose from.

The next two weeks were filled with work-preparing for the new Head Start class, planning Mom's Place etc. Amy painted a wonderful mural on the wall of the HS classroom. The children came, precious 3 and 4 year olds, and Katy figured out how much time she could spend there. Lenny immersed himself in the children, stacking blocks, reading books, passing the corn at the lunch table.

The week before each chemo round Katy has blood work done twice. One day in the middle of that week she was very tired when she got up in the morning. She came home early and slept for 4 hours. Got up to eat, went to bed and slept for 11 more hours. The next morning she moved from her bed to the couch and went back to sleep. The following few days her fatigue wasn't as great, but she was still tired. The doctor says it's probably due to the new anticonvulsant. Hopefully her body will adjust soon. The good news is that her blood work "Looks great! Perfect!" And when the doctor examined her on Monday he pronounced Katy was "remarkably healthy." We have much to be thankful for and to celebrate.

Monday was time for her 2nd week of chemo. And time for her next rash along with swollen eyes. Tuesday the doctor decided it was too risky for Katy to continue in the study. She is obviously allergic to something she is taking and each reaction is more pronounced than the last. He gave her the day off treatment, hoping the rash will disappear and she can try the Temodar alone on Wednesday. Of course, she will take the anti-nausea pill before taking the chemo so if she has a reaction there will be several culprits to choose from, but if she gets a rash or any other allergic symptoms she will have to stop taking the Temodar. We'll have to see how she does the rest of the week before any more treatment plans are made. Her next MRI is scheduled for Sept.6.

Another change in the journey. It's too new to process yet, but in a way it's a relief. The Motexafin made her feel terrible Monday. So we continue, but not alone. We are so thankful for your prayers lifting Katy.

Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior,
Who daily bears our burdens.
Psalm 68:19

I want you to know that Katy continues to feel peace. That's not to say that there have not been hard days, but she knows she is loved and trusts in God's goodness. Kit told me the other day that her prayer for Katy was that she know Jesus in the most intimate way. Amen.

We will try to let you know soon how the rest of this weeks goes. Thank you for walking along with us. It means more than we can say.

Patty and Rick